How can you avoid dementia?
Dementia is no longer a disease that can’t be helped. Research has shown that dementia could be predictable, and even preventable. And, at Erasmus University Rotterdam, we are researching how.
Professor Arfan Ikram wants to develop a method that could enable general practitioners to quickly assess whether their patients have dementia symptoms. The aim of this research is to be able to predict dementia better – and to discover new ways to prevent the disease.
However, to make this research a success we need your support!
Prevention of dementia
Alzheimer's Netherlands predicts that this debilitating condition will affect half a million Dutch people in 2040. In reality, however, it appears that the relative number of cases of dementia has increased less rapidly than expected. Why is this? The answer could help us to discover a solution to help the millions of people who will be affected in the future.
Predict and prevent
We already know that the risk of dementia can be cut by 30% through healthy living alone, and we already have some ability to predict any one person's risk of dementia reasonably well.
With your support, this research aims to develop methods to go further and predict and even prevent dementia even more effectively. Similar approaches are often used for other chronic diseases, such as heart diseases, but not yet for dementia.
By using the academic knowledge of this research in a clinical application, the prevention of dementia can become a standard part of medical consultation. Research into factors such as lifestyle can reduce the risk of the development of dementia.
Help to prevent dementia
Do you also think that it is important that fewer people will suffer from dementia in the future? Then support the research of Professor Arfan Ikram and make a difference today! Thank you
The donations for this campaign are processed by the Erasmus Trustfonds Foundation