Why donate?

Our mission is “to make a positive impact on societal changes”. However, we can only do this with the help of our donors. Not all academic education and research is financed by the government. This makes contributions from you as donors indispensable!

With your support we can achieve so much more: giving more scientists and talented students the chance to realize their projects. An enriching experience for them and a boost for groundbreaking and effective research.

You can contribute in various ways. Whatever you choose, know that your gift is being handled by Erasmus Trustfonds and is in good hands: just like the Erasmus University Rotterdam, they have the ANBI status. Did you know that donations can be tax deductible?

If you have questions about donating or tax benefits, please feel free to contact the Erasmus University Rotterdam Funds and Donations team via +31 (10) 899 4307 or donate@eur.nl.